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Übersetzungen für engender im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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engender [ınˈdʒendə] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A large and basic engine like this can create great stresses from the torque engendered.
The feeling of a small town is engendered by the relative narrowness of the streets and the older housing stock.
The state of the country during 1921 engendered a war atmosphere in which normal priorities had to be waived.
These changes in society also engendered changes in the lives of women.
Just as the industrial age heralded management sciences, the information age is engendering the domain of information sciences.
It was his childhood experiences that engendered him with a love of the outdoors and all the plants and animals that live there.
The rabid element and the hatred that was engendered is almost impossible to describe.
Such a person will engender goodness in their companion as a result (8.27).
Her practice is informed by this context of movement and flexible citizenship across both geographical and cultural spaces, and the multiple realities these spaces engender.
This reflects the fact that feature writers aim to hold their readers' attention to the end, which requires engendering curiosity and offering a payoff.

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