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Übersetzungen für entangled im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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entangle [ınˈtæŋgl] VERB trans

2. entangle:

▶ entanglement SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He does not get entangled in materialistic things.
Terry became entangled in a mysterious divorce case in the 1880s.
Though animals are less likely to become entangled in it, the wire is far harder to cut if they do.
For many years she and her daughters were entangled in bitter disputes over how she had handled their earnings as young actresses.
States of different observers are consistently entangled with one another, thus warranting "objective" results of measurements.
Family, peer, and neighborhood influences are entangled and difficult to empirically analyze in isolation.
Efforts are now often made to save whales that have stranded or have become entangled in marine debris.
Because their rostrum is easily entangled, sawfishes can easily become bycatch in fishing nets.
This species has never been hunted at all, and has not entangled itself in fishing gear.
At one stage two of these devices became entangled on the bridge, providing an ample radar-return just when it was not wanted.

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