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Übersetzungen für entrusted im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He lived, broken and old, with the bishop, and the bishop entrusted his care to a parish woman.
These laws typically define the innkeepers' liability for valuables entrusted to them by clients and determine whether an innkeeper holds any lien against such goods.
A letter was entrusted to her captain giving details of their journey so far.
The company's corporate governance has been entrusted to the board of directors.
He was entrusted by them with letters, which he eventually threw into the sea when in peril from enemies.
A witch doctor of the surroundings, who found out about the attitude of the wealthy neighbor, entrusted that all the curses fell on him.
They, entrusted, handled the royal letters to his successors and local kings.
The latter office was entrusted to him briefly until the presidential elections.
The king then forced him to retire and the administration was entrusted to the other ministers.
He was entrusted to guard missionaries' written records.

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