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Übersetzungen für escort im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . escort [ˈeskɔːt] SUBST

II . escort [ˈeskɔːt, ısˈkɔːt] VERB trans

escort [ˈeskɔːt]

escort service SUBST

Beispielsätze für escort

under the escort of ...
a girl of escort services

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There were no footbridges; passengers had to cross the lines escorted by station staff.
These were built to slightly different specifications and used as escort vessels.
They were then escorted through the glen by members of the company.
During a single month in 1933, 219,460 people were either intercepted and escorted back or arrested and sentenced.
When he picks a fight with one of her escorts, she becomes suspicious and has him knocked unconscious.
These were mainly short underway assignments, such as plane guard assignments, replenishment training, and test dive escort services for nuclear submarines and.
Three torpedoes sped from the forward tubes toward the lead escort, three to the first freighter.
The minesweeper then returned to her escort duties.
On the third night they made an even fiercer attack and rescued from their hands, thousands of girls who were escorted back to their families.
Several reconnaissance machines traveled together for mutual protection, further protected by escorting fighters.

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