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Übersetzungen für ethnologist im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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ethnologist SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The group was formed in 1991 and consists of younger musicians and performers who learn dances and music from elder experts and ethnologists.
There is an extensive documented history of trance as evidenced by the case-studies of anthropologists and ethnologists and associated and derivative disciplines.
He wrote as an orientalist, geographer and ethnologist.
Many ledger artists worked with ethnologists, by documenting shield and tipi designs, ethnobotanical information, winter counts, dance customs and regalia, and other cultural information.
When missionaries, officials, anthropologists or ethnologists collected and published these accounts, they inevitably changed their nature.
The garden was created in 1980 as a collaboration between botanists, ethnologists, and historians to display plants of ethnobotanical importance through the ages.
In the course of his life he was an ornithologist, explorer, journalist, broadcaster, soldier, guerrilla, ethnologist, museum curator, archaeologist, documentarian, film-maker, conservationist, and writer.
During this period, the region became a major focus of historians, linguists and ethnologists, interested in its archaic customs, language and common law.
When they return home, they tell an ethnologist friend of theirs about the festival and how they wish he could have been there.
The contemporary nature of the responses, no matter how incomplete or biased some may be, are nonetheless of considerable value to modern ethnologists.

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