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Übersetzungen für eunuch im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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eunuch [ˈjuːnək] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Wu also sent letters to nearby imperial eunuch messengers, requesting exoneration.
Be sure the eunuchs guarding your wife are really eunuchs.
In 153, the first major public confrontation between an official and a powerful eunuch occurredforeshadowing many to come.
Any facial hair such as the beard would fall off and the eunuch's voice would become like a girl's.
Out of the total number of candidates, there were 166 women and one eunuch contesting the polls.
His family and lineage is also completely unknown, with many different stories told about his origins and how he became a eunuch.
On the other hand the dynasty was constantly declining as clans of consorts and eunuchs engaged in a continuous struggle for power.
The rebels managed to get inside the emperor's palace as they were let in by eunuchs who sympathized with their cause.
However, he offended the sibling of an influential eunuch during a farewell banquet before his return, which put his position in the capital at risk.
Although he was not a castrated eunuch, many of his subordinates were, since his ministry managed the imperial harem housing concubines.

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