Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für executed im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

execute [ˈeksıkjuːt] VERB trans

2. execute:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although lethal injection dominates as a method of execution, some states allow prisoners on death row to choose the method used to execute them.
Jin-tae and the others want to execute them.
Then the nuclei receiving these signals project out to the extraocular muscles, spinal cord, and cerebral cortex to execute these functions.
This generally increased the quality of gameplay, as the number of people attempting to lag the servers to execute the method was greatly reduced.
This compiled script only contained the bare minimum that was required to execute the code.
The financial, human, and technological capabilities of a company determine how efficiently the company can execute their campaign.
Load and store instructions also execute in a single cycle unless there is a register conflict with a following instruction.
Because of this, identifier/reserved word collisions can occur when code implemented in one language tries to execute code written in another language.
Within each epoch, every task can execute up to its time slice.
The city charter states this position will execute the laws and administer the government of the city.

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