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Übersetzungen für extras im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

II . extra [ˈekstrə] ADV

III . extra [ˈekstrə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

All of the extras in the swag bag, concerts, panels, and contests are included in the price.
Marsh's friends and neighbours also appear as extras in the crowd scenes.
Extras include behind the scenes, bloopers, sneak peeks and more.
The band invited fans in the age bracket of 1835 to be a part of the video as extras.
There were hundreds of extras, partly made up of fans of the internet novel who had BBS meet ups during the day.
The deaths of supernumerary extras or orcs have no major effect on readers, whereas a friend's death has much more emotional impact.
I'm sort of with myself, in my work head space worrying about costumes, and if extras look right, and placement.
Cassette-based and PROM storage were optional extras, a sound card was not included but a design for one was provided.
And luxe details, like a glam necklace, cool clutch and elegant hairstyle, are awesome extras for a smart, stylish career woman.
Once on set, the fan extras suffered the long hours and stultifying downtime with no complaints.

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