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Übersetzungen für eyewear im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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eyewear [ˈaıweə] SUBST


eyewear store SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Since that time they have provided eyewear for many government agencies ranging from sunglasses for air force pilots to eyewear for submarine personnel.
Protective eyewear (goggles or glasses) is widely considered the minimum protection for airsoft players, as the eyes may be injured by any type of impact.
While they demonstrated a successful concept, they recognized that advances in manufacturability were still needed for such protective eyewear to be affordable and plentiful.
It includes casual wear, sports wear, a suit collection, eyewear, belts, and shoes.
The company originally focused on designing and manufacturing optical tools and machinery for the production of eyewear.
He wore protective eyewear for the rest of his career.
Some have complained about technical errors and lack of proper safety practices in the programme, especially the absence of protective eyewear.
Its facilities include testing capability for fall arrest harnesses, fireproof suits, safety eyewear, chain saw protection, and horse riding protective equipment.
Animal is now an international brand producing action sports inspired clothing, watches, wetsuits, technical outerwear, eyewear, footwear, luggage and accessories.
Little has partnered with, a company that specializes in making eyewear for poker players.

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