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Übersetzungen für first-hand im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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first-hand ADJ ADV

Beispielsätze für first-hand

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is written and performed using original transcripts from the trial and journalist records, along with first-hand interviews of the people involved.
As in steel, these workers had abundant recent first-hand experience of failed organizing drives and defeated strikes, which resulted in unionists being blacklisted or worse.
He narrated his history based upon first-hand knowledge.
Because the fishermen's facts aligned with scientific knowledge, scientists could then trust the fishermen's first-hand accounts about problems they experience with otters.
There, he received first-hand experience of the challenges that face residents in assisted living homes.
This first-hand experience of nature was to have a profound influence on his life and work.
This comic novel purports to be a first-hand account by the son of the first man to discover fire.
Accounts are usually first-hand and often written by an officer actually in command in a subject engagement or campaign.
Speaking from personal experience was used as a basis for further discussion and analysis based on the first-hand knowledge that was shared.
Finally, couples should consider discussing the decision with other commuter couples to gain first-hand knowledge.

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