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Übersetzungen für flight deck im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Seen used on the flight deck, the system projected a mental image of someone the target trusted, or loved.
Sixteen of these were mounted on sponsons just below flight deck level: eight to port, six to starboard and two at the stern.
Overhaul included the installation of a new flight deck, steering system, and bridge.
Two "kamikazes" plummeted into the flight deck of 2000yd m from the cruiser.
Two large cranes were mounted on the flight deck to move aircraft and stores to and from the flight deck.
They were replaced by a small flight deck and hangar to launch a squadron of aircraft.
One crashes into the port side of the flight deck, damaging it badly.
Two 30-ton cranes are fitted between the superstructure and the flight deck.
Vehicles were secured to the flight deck, while other cargo was packed onto pallets and stored either in the hangar or on the flight deck.
Shortly thereafter, the fires broke through the flight deck and heat and smoke made the ship's bridge unusable.

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