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Übersetzungen für forefinger im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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forefinger [ˈfɔːˌfıŋgə] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Fingers, the distance between thumb to forefinger, palms, cubits, and wingspans were among those units used.
To avoid impressment, some recruits incapacitated themselves by cutting off the thumb and forefinger of the right hand.
The most common is ring shaped for the forefinger surmounted by a palmette on which the thumb is pressed to stabilize the lamp.
At the time, it was noted that he had a scar left thumb and near forefinger, injured third finger right hand.
After accidentally losing his right forefinger, injured during an operational procedure he was performing, he left his career in surgery.
The hands are cupped softly so that the fingers of one hand fit snugly into the gap between the thumb and forefinger of the other.
The non-folded part of the forefinger and the middle finger should still be touching.
The forefinger was pressed on the nail of the thumb to strengthen the pull without increasing the exertion.
Or a dot on each hand in between the thumb and forefinger, one meaning going into prison and one meaning they have completed their sentence.
It is held somewhat like a pencil, but between the thumb and middle fingers, while the forefinger rides in the saddle above.

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