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Übersetzungen für foreign exchange reserve im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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foreign exchange reserve SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The national economy has been strengthened and the foreign exchange reserve have reached the ever high level.
This area is highly correlated to their balance of trade and their foreign exchange reserve acquisition.
Though to the detriment of local firms, its foreign exchange reserve position remains healthy.
Also, they will be encouraged to do that if we have strong foreign exchange reserve.
He also highlighted the historic gains in the foreign exchange reserve which has risen to $24 billion today from $8 billion three years ago.
All financial records pertaining to the foreign exchange reserve have been poorly documented.
As at 2013, only $30 billion to $50 billion of its foreign exchange reserves (i.e. roughly 50% of total) is accessible because of the international sanctions.
The new $484million operating profit forecast included the $10million release of a foreign exchange reserve.
If we can deal with that 30 per cent, obviously there will be less pressure on our foreign exchange reserve.
Foreign exchange reserves totaled $155 billion in 1999 and $165 billion in 2000.

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