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Übersetzungen für foreseen im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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foreseen [fɔːˈsiːn]

foresee <foresaw; foreseen> [fɔːˈsiː] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But it is apparent that this unexpected illness, something that could neither have been foreseen nor prevented, may ruin our submergence record.
The province was also to remain in place after the foreseen war.
Virtually every aspect that was foreseen would be delayed to later years or would be entirely surpassed by later technological developments.
Was this an omen that one day he would also be expelled like that bull as foreseen by an old concubine?
Usually, shallow drainage is adopted when the potential hillside movement is foreseen as shallow landslide affecting the ground to a depth of about 5-6m.
It is foreseen that the number of trained teachers will increase to 80,0000 in 2009 from 60,000 in 2006.
They taught election on the basis of foreseen faith, a universal atonement, resistible grace, and the possibility of lapse from grace.
The death of the human embryo is unintended although foreseen.
When once again the oak falls in the storm, the reed jeeringly asks if he had not foreseen the outcome correctly.
To correct for drift speeds and currents, often a correction of 20 is foreseen, while the correction for wind is generally around 10.

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