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Übersetzungen für frighten im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für frighten

frighten the birds off [or away]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He is frightened of a toy bear that sings the macarena.
In addition, many people have testified to being frightened by the test patterns and attention signal as children, and even more so by actual emergencies.
It is often found on prison doors to frighten the prisoners.
They spend hours trying to make their last days together as long as possible, both frightened by the future.
You interest me locked up, submissive, naked, open, panting, frightened, hungry, behind the bars of literary creation.
There were additional reports that thunder and lightning frightened the mob off.
They may swim frantically if suddenly frightened, even crashing into the walls.
They have two eye-shaped spots on the upper thorax which may help frighten predators.
When he was discovered, he was always hurried back to his quarters by the nurses, who feared that he might frighten the patients.
Everyone at the shore frightens that the boy will not return.

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