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Übersetzungen für frontiers im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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frontier [ˈfrʌntıə; frʌnˈtıə] SUBST

Beispielsätze für frontiers

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Today he has become the pacesetter in the downstream sector while expanding the frontiers of competition.
No longer should frontiers be considered an absolute defense behind which states can commit crimes against humanity with sovereign impunity.
That is, there is a constant iteration of improving manufacturing frontiers...
A peace was obtained with the frontiers restored to those defined in treaties of 897 and 904.
Unusually, the player is never expected to return their ship from the frontiers.
They were thrown into prison and sentenced to death, but the sentence was later remitted to exile in the northern frontiers.
In addition, UCAS keeps close eyes at the development trend of international education and frontiers of international science and technology.
They published transformations and metamorphoses of all kinds: down the ages, across the frontiers and cultures.
The fort was by all appearances a standard pallisado fort very typical of the type built on frontiers during the time period.
His military strategy revolved around sieges and the taking and holding of fortified settlements, in order to construct defensible frontiers.

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