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Übersetzungen für garage sale im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He listed one advantage of being a priest as getting first pick at the annual parish garage sale.
The garage sale, from 10am to 3pm, will include the remaining signage, turnstiles, turf and seating.
Biscuit was an avid collector, garage sale maniac, and found object artist.
He has stated that he bought it as part of a set for $25 at a garage sale.
Would he have bought it again -- likely for $25 at a garage sale! -- if given the chance today?
Look for the hunks of metal in a couple of years at a garage sale near you.
Photographs of her that appear to have been taken during that breakout year were found at a garage sale in 1980.
The song's lyrics, depicting a garage sale conducted after the sale of a house, serve as a metaphor for a failed relationship.
Weekends are the most popular days to hold a garage sale but a weekday attracts more buyers, she writes.
If they found it in a garage sale next to one of those shaved ice stations?

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