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Übersetzungen für gingham im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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gingham [ˈgiŋəm] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The school colours were blue and white and this was reflected in the girls blue and white gingham check dresses.
The majority were men in drag with hairy calves poking beneath blue gingham dresses.
Her blue gingham dress was chosen for its blurring effect on her figure.
The spinning mill supplied yarns for the weaving mills, where the highest grade ginghams and shirtings were made to supply large clothing manufacturers throughout the nation.
Pink gingham trousers and a matching pink jumper?
The story of the heroine, trapped in a gingham prison without even a cellphone for comfort, is a complex funny/sad affair, horrifying and touching.
Country music industry personnel in those more conservative times were more accustomed to girls in gingham and calico dresses.
In the south, there's a lot of colour, prints, tradition, traditional fabrics like gingham, plaids, stripes.
Gingham, flannel, and ticking were company specialties, although numerous other fabrics in cotton and wool were produced.
Free-falling in spectator penny loafers and a gingham neck tie.

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