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Übersetzungen für glucose im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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glucose [ˈgluːkəʊs] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The main way to treat these symptoms is by using corticosteroids, glucose infusion, or mineralocorticoids.
If the brain and muscles relied entirely on glucose, the body would lose 50% of its nitrogen content in 810 days.
Glucose infusion is coupled with insulin infusion to monitor blood glucose levels and keep them stable.
When glucose is not present, this receptor no longer couples to stimulate insulin secretion in order to prevent hypoglycemia.
This disease is centered around the glucose-6-phosphate protein.
Although gluconeogenesis is an important component of hepatic glucose output, it alone can not sustain exercise.
During the initial stages of this process, blood glucose levels are maintained through gluconeogenesis, and the adult brain does not burn ketones.
Glucose residues are phosphorolysed from branches of glycogen until four residues before a glucose that is branched with a 16 linkage.
The intensity of the colour change on the pad reflects the amount of glucose present in the urine.
This means that the glucose-6-phosphate needed for glycolysis most likely comes from gluconeolysis.

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