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Übersetzungen für glutton im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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glutton [ˈglʌtən] SUBST

1. glutton:


2. glutton:

a glutton for work

Beispielsätze für glutton

a glutton for work

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Is a glutton and has a large appetite for dango.
Greedy is a lean man with an enormous appetite; a gourmand and a glutton, he is obsessed with food.
She is a glutton for food, especially cake despite having terrible cooking skills.
However, she loves the lesser expensive food of the working class, and is known to be quite a glutton in this respect.
He is often seen as a comedic glutton in the anime cartoon, as opposed to the games where he is serious and disciplined.
His name is most likely derived from glutton or gluttony, considering his obesity.
He has been described as a literary glutton, and the most rational of bibliomaniacs, inasmuch as he read everything he bought.
When he returned, his appearance changed considerably from losing so much weight (supposedly from eating nothing but vegetables), though he remains a glutton and loves to eat anything.
Because he always recorded what was provided for dinner, which very occasionally was an elaborate banquet, he is often wrongly characterised as a glutton.
He is best known as a glutton, because he adores his eating habits.

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