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Übersetzungen für guerilla im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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guerrilla, guerilla [gəˈrılə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The guerilla movement he led was operated by the regional party cells.
This was the beginning of a guerilla war which lasted for many years.
Communist guerillas also did do their rounds, knocking on doors in the village, in the wee hours of the night to source for rations.
The army had made no preparations for guerilla warfare, and most soldiers surrendered during the following weeks.
He lived the rough life as a guerilla soldier, entering combat many times.
He discovers that the guerillas from opposition political groups are only marginally less aggressive.
There was a civil war occurring between the liberals and the conservatives, and it was being fought, for the most part, through guerilla warfare.
Its members, young men and women, received specialist training in guerilla tactics and sabotage.
They believed that oil infrastructure would be a target for violent leftist guerillas in the country.

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