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Übersetzungen für gymnast im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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gymnast [ˈdʒımnæst] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Each country could have 5 junior gymnasts in the team, 4 of which competed at each apparatus.
Forty-three gymnasts competed in the preliminary round, the format for which was similar to the finals.
When gymnasts are training a new skill, half of the battle is getting over the obstacle of teaching the brain the new muscle movement.
The extras included 50 stuntmen, gymnasts, and circus performers.
There is no maximum age restriction, and some gymnasts compete well into their 20s.
In this move, the gymnast performs a complete 360-degree turn on one bar in a straddled position, and then presses to a handstand.
She was an accomplished gymnast in her youth.
Every vault is assigned a specific number; this number is displayed on a board or electronic screen before the gymnast begins.
During the lunge the gymnast will have their arms high in the air and straight, and hips are square facing the forward direction.
She hopes to coach gymnastics and especially wishes to inspire other deaf gymnasts to succeed at advanced levels.

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