Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für haberdashery im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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haberdashery [ˈhæbədæʃərı] SUBST Am

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It tells a story through 13 words: bird, despondent, cake, dog, busy, convertible, goat, hat, haberdashery, scarlet, baby, panache, and mezzo-soprano.
The indoor market (1973) is a multi-level building containing the fish market and delicatessen, as well as stalls selling clothes, haberdashery, footwear, jewellery, gemstones, and confectionery.
At various times there have been florists, and haberdasheries in the area.
His father ran a haberdashery shop in the city.
It began as a mens haberdashery, transitioned to a dry goods store, and later evolved into a seller of quirky merchandise.
He worked as a travelling salesman for a haberdashery company before he went into business on his own account in 1863 importing sewing machines.
Catering for a local clientele, the shop sold women's and children's clothing, haberdashery and household goods.
They bleach so that they can be accepted in the front office of even the most disorganised and rat-infested haberdashery downtown or uptown.
There he sold silk and woollen cloth and haberdashery.
Past occupants include a dry goods store, a grocery store, and a haberdashery.

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