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Übersetzungen für halfwit im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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halfwit [ˈhɑːfwıt] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Halfwit survived the most consecutive evictions out of anyone in the history of the show, having survived the public vote 5 times in a row and 7 times in total.
Car journeys are about finding those rightly timed songs, as any halfwit knows.
But he hardly comes off as a halfwit or the persona that has become his brand of a sort.
If a halfwit like me can hang (fairly) calmly in the water near these apex predators, there must be much more to them than popular culture allows.
But from reading the below, you will see who the real halfwit is.
Those of us with a brain had this halfwit fraud figured out from the beginning.
It would be nice not to be treated like a halfwit.
A blue-chip, diamond-encrusted bespoke halfwit of the first order.
The artificial intelligence should have compensated for this but it only seems to have two settings: myopic halfwit or steely-eyed snooker ninja.
Next time before you attempt to be funny please check your facts, like the halfwit above has demonstrated how to do.

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