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Übersetzungen für hardships im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für hardships

stand the trials of hardships

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The main issue was the rapid deterioration in the economy and whether the prime minister was out of touch with the hardships of ordinary people.
The two eventually develop empathy for each other's personal problems and issues, as well as life's similar hardships.
He has promised happiness in the hereafter in recompense for the hardships endured in this world.
Despite extreme physical hardships the few remaining elder nuns are striving to pass on their spiritual heritage to a new generation.
Hardships, triumphs, and rude awakenings ultimately test their faith, friendship, and honor while struggling to make their music a success.
What follows is a grisly depiction of hardships inflicted on war-torn nations by their conquerors.
We approved, initiated, and furthered many works of charity for the relief of countless untold wartime disasters and hardships from which practically no one escaped.
It is used to ensure retention of independence in national development, and alleviation of hardships imposed from hostile and aggressive external actors.
Tours at the station were limited to one year because of the psychological strain and physical hardships.
The continuing hardships affected the commercial potential island and a pullout was ordered in 1657.

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