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Übersetzungen für harum-scarum im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Meintest du vielleicht: humdrum

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I won't say my father is harum-scarum.
Here then, nine years after 9/11, was tragedy replayed as something much creepier than farce: emotionally cleansed, harum-scarum entertainment.
Most firms are staffed by a number of flakes: harum-scarum, scatterbrained colleagues who can not be trusted to complete future tasks.
Reckless, naughty, harum-scarum, he got up to lots of mischief and, sometimes, "more than that".
There is an alternative to the harum-scarum of clearing.
Missed chances, missed clearances, deflections, misjudgments: this was an accumulation of wayward moments that delivered a harum-scarum encounter.
The painter has been described as a harum-scarum character, but also as a dashing painter, who was able to seize quickly and firmly upon a likeness.
The title is a homonym with an old nonsense expression (harum-scarum, meaning reckless or irresponsible) that has nothing to do with rabbits as such.

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