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Übersetzungen für heartfelt im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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heartfelt [ˈhɑːtfelt] ADJ

Beispielsätze für heartfelt

heartfelt thanks

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

At shows end the packed audience gave rousing appreciation to all for delivering a night of heartfelt, engaging, but above all, entertaining - theatre.
I send my heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of all the victims.
Switches can be caused by magic items such as amulets, heartfelt wishes, or just strange quirks of the universe.
In distress, as the son could no longer remember the royal language, he cried out a heartfelt wordless call from his soul.
However, another said some may find the episode's pacing to be almost too-languid even though it uses honest and heartfelt storytelling.
This further enhanced a sense of claustrophobia useful to the actors in delivering more heartfelt performances.
Retrospectively, the publication named the album the fifth best record of 2009, declaring it one of the band's finest and most heartfelt moments.
Every note and syllable resonates with the kind of heartfelt emotion we'd like to think is poured into everything we listen to.
Martin leavens the material somewhat, but this is a faithful, heartfelt, somber piece about family and responsibility.
In mastering this discipline, leaders learn the counter-productiveness of trying to dictate a vision, no matter how heartfelt (1990, p. 9).

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