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Übersetzungen für heat rash im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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However, once heat rash has developed, the initial treatment involves the application of chlorhexidine lotion to remove any desquamated skin.
There's an angry heat rash on the back of my neck.
Within about 3 days, she developed a horrible rash, which we thought was a heat rash... until it began to blister.
Heat rash (or prickly heat) occurs when sweat glands become clogged due to excess sweating.
Heat exposure can cause heat illnesses, from heat rash and cramps, to the more serious heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which can result in death.
Heat rash is a red or pink rash usually found on areas of the body that are covered with clothing.
It will reduce the amount of sweat that you produce thereby preventing heat rash.
Also, it doesn't let your skin breathe, which could leave you with a very uncomfortable heat rash.
Heat rash usually heals on its own in a matter of days and doesn't require medical attention.
Heat stroke, dehydration, cramps, exhaustion, and heat rash are just some of the heat-related illnesses.

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