Englisch » Chinesisch

holding [ˈhəʊldıŋ] SUBST

I . hold1 <held> [həʊld] VERB trans

II . hold1 <held> [həʊld] VERB intr

6. hold [常用于命令]:

Hold it!

III . hold1 <held> [həʊld] SUBST

2. hold:

hold1 <held> [həʊld]

You are holding it back from me.
You are holding it back from me.
You are holding it back from me.
hold down ugs

hold2 [həʊld] SUBST

hold-up SUBST

Beispielsätze für holding

You are holding it back from me.

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

By holding activities and events such as orchid rambles and birdwatching fairs, the trust gives people of all ages the chance to experience local wildlife.
After her diatribe dies down, the narrator drops to his knees before her, holding the hem of her dress.
An engraving of her in later years shows her holding them.
Holding out until 16:15 the regiment was then ordered to pull back.
She stuggled at playschool, having difficulty holding a pencil and paying attention.
This can be used to track down what is holding a file open and preventing its use by another program.
On top of that, the women sit sidesaddle to accommodate their attire, sometimes even holding their babies while riding on the back of a motorbike.
She was portrayed as a young woman with a joyous air, crowned with ivy, wearing boots and holding a comic mask in her hand.
People wear a hat and cover their shoulders while someone spins around them holding a lit-up Catherine wheel.
On top of this, the lead times for approvals and the holding costs associated with that are not inconsiderable either.

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