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Übersetzungen für home advantage im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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home advantage SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The presence of fans can have a profound impact on how the teams perform, an element in the home advantage.
In the semi-finals, the teams that finish first will have home advantage against the teams that finish second in their respective pools.
Each quarterfinal was a best-of-three series between the teams qualified from the regular season, with the higher-place team receiving home advantage.
Home advantage in the series goes to the first-place team.
The team from the lower league has home advantage.
Teams gained home advantage depending upon their finishing position at the end of the 201213 season.
The exchanges are based on the match result, the ranking of each team, and the margin of victory, with an allowance for home advantage.
In a match, the home advantage was granted to the team from the lower league, if applicable.
The eight quarter-finalists will be ranked, with teams ranked 1-4 having home advantage.
In baseball, there is always a psychological home advantage when the game is tied or close in the 9th or in extra innings.

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