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Übersetzungen für hunk im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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hunk [hʌŋk] SUBST

Beispielsätze für hunk

a hunk of meat

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She also has a tendency to spend too much time looking at posters of all the movie hunks of the time.
Since the hunks of the original and new file appear in the same hunk, such changes would appear adjacent to one another.
A relatively mature hunk, and a natural leader for his siblings in their dad's absence.
They battered the shutters of shops, broke in and seized whatever they could, from hunks of meat to gas canisters and clothing.
A hunk of beef flew out and across the table.
The spouses try to attract a hunk, but he is laughed off due to his high-pitched voice.
At the beginning of each hunk are the line numbers that apply for the corresponding change in the files.
A hunk begins with range information and is immediately followed with the line additions, line deletions, and any number of the contextual lines.
Hunk's number is cut because of his outdated music style.
Its executable files are internally divided into a modular structure of large pieces (hunk) capable of storing code, data, and additional information.

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