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Übersetzungen für immortalise im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

immortalize, immortalise [ıˈmɔː­təlaız] VERB trans

▶ immortalization, immortalisation [ıˌmɔːtəlaıˈzeıʃən] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He has caught and immortalized in his songs what we say, what we think about, and what we believe.
Many arterials have been labeled as boulevards, and many of those mentioned below have been immortalized in movies, music, and literature.
She also became intent on immortalizing her sorrow at the death of her husband.
The memory of the 23 has been immortalized in various ways.
They not only immortalized the scene in song, but also knew many within the community as friends and family.
While he is confident that his poetry will outlast marble and monument, it will immortalize his young friend, not himself.
Several members of his family have immortalized him in their music.
The resulting cells were immortalized and were patented by the university as and have become widely used research tools.
Calligraphy was the art by which a scholar could compose his thoughts to be immortalized.
Before his death he wrote a detailed account of the land ownership over the years and immortalized the history of the park in early print.

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