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Übersetzungen für impart im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für impart

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

All the private institutions impart quality education to the students.
It was quickly found, however, that a raised arm imparted more accuracy and generated more bounce than the roundarm method.
Various interpretations of the character imparted by the different modes have been suggested.
Besides imparting undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, it is also engaged in academic and research activities.
The group has imparted theater training to a number of civil society organizations as well.
Love imparts to all things the right measure and directs them all to the last end.
It is worn as a status symbol to impart an impression of wealth upon which their family honor depends.
Wide and broad verandas and big windows ensured proper ventilation, while high ceilings and rows of arches imparted an imposing look to the school building.
Giant dipole resonances can be caused by any mechanism that imparts enough energy to the nucleus.
The electrical wires used to carry the signal often imparted a buzzing sound on the transmission.

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