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Übersetzungen für infected im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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infect [ınˈfekt] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The researchers found that 93.2 percent of those tested were infected with some form of intestinal parasite.
Trees infected with the viroid often show no symptoms other than a reduction in yield, (by 30% or more).
Toads that become infected with the disease inflate to many times their normal size and roll around uncontrollably.
Often, it is these cytotoxic effects that lead to the death and decline of a cell infected by a virus.
Infected animals should be placed in strict quarantine.
Replication occurs within the nucleus of an infected plant cell.
As a result of the multiplication process, the intercellular space of the epithelial cells in more than 10 neighbouring worm segments may become infected.
Very little was known about the causes of disease, and so a minor wound could easily become infected and take a life.
Those infected with the disease were isolated from society in sanatoriums.
Infected larvae climb to the top of the tree during the day and die.

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