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Übersetzungen für information-intensive im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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information-intensive ADJ


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Programs focus on the study, design, and management of the technology rich systems that drive today's information-intensive organizations.
But if your website is information-intensive, you may find that a darker color theme will make it easier for readers to process all your data.
A vote to change a government is one of the most complex, information-intensive decisions we ask the population to make.
It produces applications that simplify information-intensive customer interactions.
This process is very information-intensive and collaborative, drawing on the expertise, judgment and analysis of many people.
Enhancing equality of opportunity is increasingly urgent and increasingly difficult in an increasingly complex, information-intensive society.
With the life sciences becoming increasingly data- and information-intensive, the need for bioinformatics training will only grow in the future.

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