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Übersetzungen für intellectual property im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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intellectual property SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Guest speakers are invited to give lectures on science-related topics such as intellectual property and affordances.
Liberty will provide intellectual property and operating know-how regarding crude oil synthesis along with the relevant catalyst supply.
Laws regulating intellectual property must serve as means of achieving creative, social and economic ends and must not be seen as ends in themselves.: 2.
For more on this subject, see intellectual property.
He has made a special study of the relationship between intellectual property law and the present-day law of arms.
Intangible business assets, like goodwill and intellectual property, are open to a wide range of value interpretations.
Members retain all intellectual property rights to their content and can delete them at any time.
It was also used for the communication strategy of several activist groups on the themes of intellectual property and digital freedoms.
Related rights provide intellectual property rights for performers, producers of sound recordings (phonograms) and broadcasting organisations.
The agreement will encompass trade in goods and services, economic and technical issues, intellectual property and investments, and dispute settlement mechanisms.

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