Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für kith and kin im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

People who are far from their kith and kin often tend to assuage their guilt for not being there by being hawkish here.
The kith and kin honour your perspective of family, which transcends the bonds of blood and lineage.
Some get carried away and even neglect family, kith and kin in their quest for success.
But, everything is enough for her kith and kin.
Consideration for the enemy means ultimate cruelty to kith and kin.
The finale was well-conceived with a frozen tableau of the kith and kin gazing in utter shock at the body of their dear one.
Visiting privileges of all kith and kin should be suspended.
When the saints go marching in, we want to be in that number, united with all our kith and kin.
It's about the expression of solidarity with an area... sticking together with your family and kith and kin.
I must tell you these boys have refused to take leave to attend to their kith and kin and rather render their duties.

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