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Übersetzungen für knowledge worker im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The knowledge worker is astutely aware, not only of the means and purpose of their work, but also its political and social dimensions.
Anyone who works at the planning, compiling, researching, analyzing, organizing, storing, programming, marketing, et cetera of information is a knowledge worker.
It should thus be acknowledged that the term knowledge worker can be quite broad in its meaning, and is not always definitive in who it refers to.
This will be the key to increasing revenue, improving knowledge worker productivity, and lowering costs.
But the worklife relationship is blurred, particularly for the knowledge worker.
Managing email is now a core duty of the knowledge worker -- one report showed that more than 200 billion emails are sent every single day.
Conventional wisdom has it that the knowledge worker will reign supreme well into the 21st century.
This is to ensure that the system can be used if the developing knowledge workers move on through for example a promotion.
A new class of worker is beginning to emerge and supersede the knowledge worker.
The knowledge worker has replaced the factory worker.

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