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Übersetzungen für laudable im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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laudable [ˈlɔːdəbl] ADJ

▶ laudability [ˌlɔːdəˈbılətı] SUBST
▶ laudably ADV

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The work of the particle physicists is indeed laudable but possibly they should give the theory they are looking for another name.
A reviewer said the authors had achieved their very laudable aim of showing the workings of the various social experiments as they are without exaggeration of concealment.
As a work of fiction it would have been laudable; given the cover of truth it becomes a dangerous piece of writing....
While the focus on texting while driving is laudable, it has failed to address long-standing issues.
It contains laudable general information, but is widely criticized for printing calumnies.
He is a natural swing bowler whose ability to keep a perfect line and length in the initial overs is laudable.
Later, she started to take part in various talent shows and received laudable recognition.
There are other legends relating to this island as well but this seems to be the most laudable to many who have lived there many years ago.
Domesticity, in particular, was regarded as a laudable virtue as the home was considered a woman's proper sphere.
She never turned down a request for a laudable cause and gave many benefit performances for charitable and worthy causes.

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