Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für leaders im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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leader [ˈliːdə] SUBST

3. leader mainly Brit:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This need is met by the informal organization and its emergent, or unofficial, leaders.
His thoughts chime with those of many finance industry leaders who have called for industry to take greater note of its social responsibilities.
Some conflicts did emerge around the country as military leaders and peasant organizers competed for local power.
Initially unsuccessful, the coup leaders were jailed and held for courtmartial.
The town leaders compensated for this loss with industrialisation.
He insisted on standards of honor derived from the medieval aristocratic tradition, and saw the aristocracy as the nation's natural leaders.
In spite of defeatism among the workers' leaders, the movement did not go to sleep.
Troops of both armies moved warily into the town while their leaders negotiated insincerely.
Bodies of villagers begin turning up, making the village leaders nervous just ahead of an organic food fair expected be a financial windfall.
State leaders and DEQ believe their system is effective.

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