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Übersetzungen für learning environment im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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learning environment SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The school board members, support staff, and new technology provide a varied learning environment with fine arts classes, shop classes, and technology courses.
A study circle is one of the most democratic forms of a learning environment that has been created.
This affects the learning environment in many ways.
Rules (a key component of any games) are very important in creating a good learning environment.
Instruction in small groups combined with project-oriented laboratory work create a stimulating learning environment.
This study concluded that the adults were able to transfer an under armed throwing skill from the learning environment to the generalized environment.
The high school couldn't provide what one would call a safe and educational learning environment for many different reasons.
However, insufficient investment in upgrading education has led to crowding and deterioration in the learning environment.
The results suggested that educators rethink ways to fully leverage the online learning environment to make the educational experience more engaging and interesting.
The district has nearly 10,000 students, of which over 7,000 learn online in a virtual learning environment.

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