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Übersetzungen für leeway im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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leeway [ˈliːweı] SUBST

1. leeway:

leeway NAUT, AERO
leeway NAUT, AERO

2. leeway:

leave some leeway

Beispielsätze für leeway

leave some leeway

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This leaves the assistant apparently held in a standing posture inside the cabinet, with her arms at her sides and with little leeway for movement.
In providing a service, a professional may have personal discretion (choice or leeway) about how to provide the service.
It takes three powered circuits for minimum function, but four provides more leeway for success.
The remaining 36% is perpendicular to the vessel, and generates leeway angle and heeling moment.
Some public-school-at-home programs give parents leeway in curriculum choice; others require use of a specified curriculum.
This privilege gives the security attendant extra leeway in detaining people in whom he has reasonable suspicion.
The helicoidal shape, on the other hand, splits up the force of the wind in resistance, leeway and lift.
My free interpretation is that in these poems, what is at stake is the leeway between the word and its meaning, between meaning and sensation....
Reporters often, but not always, give greater leeway to sources with little experience.
For example, a computer programmer would usually have far more leeway in their work behavior than a lawyer.

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