Englisch » Chinesisch

lexicography [ˌleksıˈkɒgrəfı] SUBST

geographic, geographical [dʒıəˈgræfık(əl)] ADJ

▶ geographically ADV

graphic, graphical [ˈgræfık(əl)] ADJ

1. graphic:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This was the starting point for his later lexicographical work.
All keys must be byte strings and must appear in lexicographical order.
Some classical poems and quotations from lexicographical books bear witness of the solid education of the author.
Current lexicographical projects require sophisticated IT infrastructure to be completed - both in hardware capacity and software.
He was a prolific writer, and left a number of manuscripts on literary, lexicographical, bibliographical, and pedagogical subjects.
He devoted himself primarily to linguistic, lexicographical and philological work, and he often dipped into etymologies, antiquarian explanations and geographical detail.

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