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Übersetzungen für liqueur im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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liqueur [lıˈkjʊə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Other fruits or even flavoured liqueurs (peach schnapps, for example) are sometimes substituted for the peach puree.
Once the grapes are crushed, the "orujos" or residue of the grapes can be used to produce the liqueur of the same name.
The rounded surface of the spoon will spread each liqueur over the one beneath without mixing them.
Already in 1859 a liqueur factory was founded, followed by a sugar-refinery in 1860, where up to 120 people worked at its best times.
In 1863, he already owned his own business and produced liqueurs and whisky blends.
Another variation of the drink uses champagne with the liqueur rather than prosecco.
After the spirit has absorbed the flavor of the ingredients, the liqueur is filtered, sweetened, and bottled.
Particularly in recent years, the distillery has been experimenting with grappa, eau de vie, liqueur, and other liquors.
The monks intended their liqueur to be used as medicine.
Other anise-flavoured liqueurs similar to aguardiente, but with a lower alcohol content, are also sold.

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