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Übersetzungen für locusts im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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locust [ˈləʊkəst] SUBST

Beispielsätze für locusts

a plague of locusts

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Simultaneously, there were many raids of locusts on the island, which caused destruction to agriculture.
By then, the threat of a locust plague emerged, creating one of the most dangerous locust situations since 1989.
He did, however, take the time to attempt stopping a locust plague at the plantation using their own diseases.
Locusts were threatening the region's crops for a second year running.
The locust and cedar being durable beyond any experience, may be considered, practically, as permanent as the iron.
In the migratory locusts, there are distinct long and short-winged forms.
The whole was thoroughly braced, and bolted together with three-nails of locust, iron, and composition spikes, and copper bolts.
Locust swarms can cause massive damage to crops.
When it was projected, everything moved forward except the locusts.
Locusts that adopt the swarming morphology are said to be the migratory morphs, while the rest are called statary morphs.

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