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Übersetzungen für long wave im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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long wave SUBST RADIO

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Aesculin, the glucoside of aesculetin, will fluoresce under long wave ultraviolet light (360 nm).
The lower the amount of outgoing long wave radiation, the stronger the thunderstorm complexes, or convection, is within that region.
The long wave transmitter was modernized and the main antenna tower received a new cage aerial.
This leads to the formation of a slow-moving long wave that creates mountain-parallel, ageostrophic flow, causing incursions of high-latitude cold air.
The expense of the clocks, lack of need, and the limited accuracy of a long wave system eliminated the need for such a system for many roles.
Aesculin will fluoresce under long wave ultraviolet light (360 nm): hydrolysis of aesculin results in loss of this fluorescence.
Underfloor cooling works by absorbing both short wave and long wave radiation resulting in cool interior surfaces.
He is best known for his work on the economics of technological change, and for his contributions to long wave economic theory.
They also measured long wave emissions from the earth.
Underfloor heating influences the radiant exchange by thermally conditioning the interior surfaces with low temperature long wave radiation.

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