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Übersetzungen für lowbrow im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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lowbrow [ˈləʊbraʊ] SUBST ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They have described their work as mixing the arthouse with the dosshouse and putting highbrow performance in backstreet pubs and lowbrow performance in posh theatres.
Lowbrow art often has a sense of humor - sometimes the humor is gleeful, sometimes impish, and sometimes it is a sarcastic comment.
It was a term of division and derision, and became shorthand for a population considered lowbrow, coarse and lacking education and cultural refinement.
The humour is broad and lowbrow in the manner of many catchphrase-based sitcoms.
His comedy isn't for everyone and it has lots of lowbrow lowlights but the kids love it.
The lowbrow is warped, subnormal.
Writers have noted that there are now distinctions to be drawn between how lowbrow manifests itself in different regions and places.
One reviewer mentioned this as the best example of how the film seamlessly moves between highbrow and lowbrow culture.
This apparent absence of internal critical writing may be because many lowbrow artists began their careers in fields not normally considered fine art, such as illustration, tattooing and comic books.
Some art critics doubt that lowbrow is a legitimate art movement, and there is thus very little scholarly critical writing about it.

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