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Übersetzungen für mass media im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Owing to that a regular competition started between the different mass media channels.
It is primarily a one-way form of communication transmitted through mass media.
In 1898, the company joined with many others in experimenting with marketing through the new periodical mass media.
Public opinion can only express itself through channels which are provided by the mass media of communication without which there could be no propaganda.
Yet it is important that mass media be subject to centralized control in order to successfully form public opinion without any opposition.
The social acceptability of flatulence-based humor in entertainment and the mass media varies over the course of time and between cultures.
Not only does it promote assembly through the mass media, it also uses rhetorical techniques to engage crowds, thereby enhancing their experience.
The newspaper is in a structural position within the mass media, rather than a particular political agenda.
All of this is increasingly tied in with mass media, one of our main providers of information.
Party headquarters spend on public relations, mass media (including billboards), the expertise of consultants and offices.

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