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Übersetzungen für mayonnaise im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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mayonnaise [ˌmeıəˈneız] SUBST

a jar of mayonnaise

Beispielsätze für mayonnaise

a jar of mayonnaise

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A newly reformulated low fat mayonnaise was introduced in conjunction with the new sandwiches.
They are assembled with thick sauces such as mayonnaise.
By then, both mayonnaises had such commanding market shares in their own half of the country that it was decided that both brands be preserved.
The toppings were shredded lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise assembled on the top half of the bun in the other compartment.
It is then placed on toasted bread, typically dressed with mayonnaise, sliced tomato and lettuce.
They are typically steamed or boiled before being eaten hot, with hollandaise sauce, butter and lemon or vinegar, or chilled, in salad or with mayonnaise.
It can be made with different fillings, such as tuna, crab meat, avocado, mayonnaise, cucumber or carrots.
A typical formulation for commercially made mayonnaise (not low fat) can contain as much as 80% vegetable oil, usually soybean but sometimes olive oil.
This sandwich is traditionally served with turkey or chicken, tomato, and watercress along with cucumber, onion, lettuce, mayonnaise, and mustard.
The company sells organic unsweetened soy milk; horchata (tigernut milk), and organic plain and lemongrass egg-free mayonnaise.

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