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Übersetzungen für median strip im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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median strip [ˈmiːdıən ...] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Traffic had previously travelled in both directions either side of the median strip with trams running on double track in the northern carriageway.
The driver of an oncoming truck had suffered a heart attack and crossed the median strip.
Through much of this portion, the road is divided, with a tree-lined median strip.
This section can be easily identified by removable potted plants instead of the standard large trees on the median strip.
Most median strip are fixed again today.
However, the median strip on the road leading to and after the bridge was overgrown with weeds.
The roadway for the southern stretch is canopied by trees that line the center median strip and the sides.
Cars were turning around, crossing the grassy median strip which divides the opposing lanes haphazardly, to avoid waiting in the long line-up of vehicles.
There are two lanes in each direction of the expressway, separated by a grassy median strip.
By 9 over 150 police had arrived, many in riot gear, huddling closely like cattle in the shadow of two trees in the median strip.

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